Позакласний захід
Oral Journal “Thanksgiving Day”
Мета: ознайомити учнів з традиціями та
звичаями святкування Дня Подяки в англомовних країнах, прищеплювати повагу до свят інших країн.
Зала прикрашена
малюнками та святковими атрибутами.
Ведучий: Good
afternoon, dear students and guests!
Ведуча: We are very
glad to see you here. We gathered here to leaf and glance over an oral journal
about celebrating a wonderful holiday, Thanksgiving Day.
History of Thanksgiving Day
Вчитель: Students, do
you know where Thanksgiving Day came from? Let’s listen to the students who
will tell us about the history of this holiday.
Ведуча: Thanksgiving
is a yearly holiday marked by feasts and family gatherings. The day is celebrated in
the United States, Canada, and other countries. It takes place on the fourth
Thursday in November in the United States. In Canada it occurs on the second
Monday in October. Both countries celebrate Thanksgiving with turkey feasts. In
the United States, Thanksgiving Day parades and football games have become
important traditions as well. There are also Thanksgiving holidays celebrated
every year in Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Laos, Liberia, Puerto Rico,
Guam, Grenada, and the Virgin Islands.
1 учень: There is one day a year when all Americans stay home
with their families and eat a big dinner. This is Thanksgiving Day. The
pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in the fall of 1621. The
pilgrims sailed to America on board the "Mayflower" ship for
religious freedom. They were among the first European settlers in America.
Учень 2: The pilgrims first winter in the New World
was very difficult. They had arrived too late to grow many crops. Without fresh
food half of the pilgrims died. The following spring the Indians taught the
pilgrims how to hunt, fish, plant and survive in America. The crops did well
and in the fall of 1621 pilgrims had a great harvest. They were thankful and
decided to celebrate with a Thanksgiving feast. They prepared a dinner of
turkey, corn, beans and pumpkins. They invited their Indian friends to share
this feast. The Indians brought food for the feast too (they even brought
popcorn!). Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the fall. It is
celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. Turkey is still the main dish
and pumpkin pie is the most popular dessert.
(Демонстрація відеофільму «The First Thanksgiving»)
Учень 3: In following years many of the colonists
celebrated the harvest with a feast of thanks. After the United States gained
independence, Congress recommended one yearly day of thanksgiving for the whole
country. Later, George Washington suggested the date November 26 as
Thanksgiving Day. Then, after the civil war, Abraham Lincoln suggested the last
Thursday in November to be the day of thanksgiving.
On Thanksgiving Day, family
members gather at the house of an older relative, even if they live far away.
All give thanks for everything good they have. Charitable organizations offer
traditional meal to the homeless. Foods, eaten at the first thanksgiving, have
become traditional.
Ведучий: Did You
Americans did not invent
Thanksgiving. It began in Canada. Frobisher's celebration in 1578 was 43 years
before the pilgrims gave thanks in 1621 for the bounty that ended a year of
hardships and death. Abraham Lincoln established the date for the US as the
last Thursday in November. In 1941,
US Congress set the National
Holiday as the fourth Thursday in November.
Thanksgiving dinner
Учень 4: There is a
special festive food on this day. The traditional thanksgiving meal consists of
roast turkey stuffed with herb- flavored bread, cranberry jelly, mashed
potatoes, pumpkin pie. Other dishes may vary as to region: ham, sweet,
potatoes, creamed corn. Here is one of
the most interesting recipes.
Turkey Noodle Casserole
Combine turkey, noodles, and peas in a
buttered casserole dish. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a saucepan. Сut onion and
mushrooms; blend in soup, milk and seasonings. Pour soup mixture over meat; top
with shredded cheese. Bake in a 350 degree F. for about 20 to 30 minutes.
Учень 3: The
tradition of giving thanks to God is continued today in various forms. Various
religious and spiritual organizations offer worship services and events on
Thanksgiving themes the weekend before, the day of, or the weekend after
Учень 4: At home, it
is a holiday tradition in many families to begin the Thanksgiving dinner by
saying grace (a prayer before or after a meal). The custom is portrayed in the
photograph "Family Holding Hands and Praying Before a Thanksgiving
Meal". Traditionally, grace was led by the hostess or host, though in
later times it is usual for others to contribute.
Учень 5: On
Thanksgiving Day, families and friends usually gather for a large meal or
dinner. Тhe
Thanksgiving holiday weekend is one of the busiest travel periods of the year.
Thanksgiving is a four-day or five-day weekend vacation for schools and
colleges. Most business and government workers (78% in 2007) are given
Thanksgiving and the day after as paid holidays. Thanksgiving Eve, the night
before Thanksgiving, is one of the busiest nights of the year for bars and
clubs, as many college students and others return to their hometowns to reunite
with friends and family.
Ведуча: There are
Thanksgiving parades in many cities: America's Hometown Thanksgiving Parade
(Plymouth, Massachusetts), Belk Carolinas' Carrousel Parade (Charlotte, North
Carolina), First Light Federal Credit Union Sun Bowl Parade (El Paso, Texas),
H-E-B Holiday Parade (Houston, Texas), McDonald's Thanksgiving Parade (Chicago,
Illinois), My Macy's Holiday Parade (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), Parada de los
Cerros Thanksgiving Day Parade (Fountain Hills, Arizona) and others. The parade
includes large balloons, marching bands, and various celebrity guests much like
the Macy's parade and is nationally televised on various affiliate stations.
The Mayor of Detroit closes the parade by giving Santa Claus a key to the city.
of these parades are televised on a local station, and some have small, usually
regional, syndication networks; most also carry the parades via Internet
television on the TV stations' websites. Let’s watch a video about Thanksgiving
Day celebrating from Macy’s Parade.
(Перегляд відeo “Macy’s 84th Thanksgiving Day Parade”)
Football and Thanksgiving Celebrations
Ведучий: American
football is an important part of many Thanksgiving celebrations in the United
States. Professional football games are often held on Thanksgiving Day; until
recently, these were the only games played during the week apart from Sunday or
Monday night. The National Football League has played games on Thanksgiving
every year since its creation; the tradition is referred to as the Thanksgiving
Classic. The Detroit Lions have hosted a game every Thanksgiving Day since
1934, with the exception of 1939–1944 (due to World War II). In 1966, the
Dallas Cowboys, who had been founded six years earlier, adopted the practice of
hosting Thanksgiving games. It is widely rumored that the Cowboys sought a
guarantee that they would regularly host Thanksgiving games as a condition of
their very first one (since games on days other than Sunday were uncommon at
the time and thus high attendance was not a certainty).
Учень 4: For many
college football teams, the regular season ends on Thanksgiving weekend, and a
team's final game is often against a regional or historic rival. Most of these
college games are played on the Friday or Saturday after Thanksgiving, but
usually a single college game is played on Thanksgiving itself.
(Перегляд відео «Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade 2009”)
Thanksgiving Dates
Ведуча: Since being
fixed at the fourth Thursday in November by law in 1941, the holiday in the
United States can occur on any date from November 22 to 28. When it falls on
November 22 or 23, it is not the last Thursday, but the penultimate Thursday in
November. As it is a Federal holiday, all United States government offices are
closed and employees are paid for that day. It is also a holiday for the New
York Stock Exchange and most other financial markets and financial services
Thanksgiving dates, 2012–2022
• November 22, 2012
• November 28, 2013
• November 27, 2014
• November 26, 2015
• November 24, 2016
• November 23, 2017
• November 22, 2018
• November 28, 2019
• November 26, 2020
• November 25, 2021
• November 24, 2022
Учень 4: The day
after Thanksgiving is a day off for some companies and many schools and often
the largest shopping day of the year. It is popularly known as Black Friday.
Page7/Сторінка 7 Other
Observances Known as Thanksgiving
Ведуча: Almost in
every culture in the world there is a celebration of thanks for rich harvest.
The American Thanksgiving began as a feast of thanksgiving almost four hundred
years ago. Thanksgiving Day is a holiday celebrated primarily in the United
States and Canada. Thanksgiving is celebrated each year on the second Monday of
October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States.
Because of the longstanding traditions of the holiday, the celebration often
extends to the weekend that falls closest to the day it is celebrated. Several
other places around the world observe similar celebrations. Historically,
Thanksgiving had roots in religious and cultural tradition. Today, Thanksgiving
is primarily celebrated as a secular holiday.
In Germany, an early October
festival is known as Erntedankfest, or the Harvest Thanksgiving Festival. The
festival has a significant religious component to it but also, like its North
American counterpart, includes large harvest dinners (consisting mostly of
autumn crops) and parades. The Bavarian beer festival Oktoberfest generally
takes place within the vicinity of Erntedankfest.
In the West Indian island of
Grenada, there is a national holiday known as Thanksgiving Day which is
celebrated on October 25. Even though it bears the same name, and is celebrated
at roughly the same time as the American and Canadian versions of Thanksgiving,
this holiday is unrelated to either of those celebrations. Instead the holiday
marks the anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of the island in 1983, in
response to the deposition and execution of Grenadian Prime Minister Maurice
Labor Thanksgiving Day is a
national holiday in Japan. It takes place annually on November 23. The law
establishing the holiday, which was adopted during the American occupation
after World War II, cites it as an occasion for commemorating labor and
production and giving one another thanks. It has roots in an ancient harvest
ceremony celebrating hard work.
In the West African country of
Liberia, which beginning in 1820, was colonized by free blacks from the United
States (most of whom had been formerly enslaved), Thanksgiving is celebrated on
the first Thursday of November.
The Netherlands
Many of the Pilgrims who
migrated to the Plymouth Plantation had resided in the city of Leiden from
1609–1620, many of whom had recorded their birth, marriages and deaths at the
Pieterskerk. To commemorate this, a non-denominational Thanksgiving Day service
is held each year on the morning of the American Thanksgiving Day in the
Pieterskerk, a Gothic church in Leiden, to commemorate the hospitality the
Pilgrims received in Leiden on their way to the New World.
Norfolk Island
In the Australian external
territory of Norfolk Island, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the last Wednesday
of November, similar to the pre-World War II American observance on the last
Thursday of the month. This means the Norfolk Island observance is the day
before or six days after the United States' observance. The holiday was brought
to the island by visiting American whaling ships.
Ведуча: There are a
lot of songs for kids which they sing this day. Here is one of them.
(Учні 5 класу співають пісню «What Are You Thankful For?»)
What are you thankful for? ( 2
Well, I’m thankful for my
I’m thankful for my school 2 times
I’m thankful for my toys
I’m thankful for my food.
What are you thankful for? (2
Well, I’m thankful for my
I’m thankful for my clothes
I’m thankful for my teacher
I’m thankful for my shark.
I’m thankful for my family
I’m thankful for my clothes
I’m thankful for my teacher
I’m thankful for everything in the
Вчитель: We are also
thankful to our relatives, friends, teachers for many things. It’s a Horn of
Plenty. (Вчитель пригощає учнів цукерками та
яблуками з рогу достатку)
Ведучий: Our party is
Ведуча: Thank you
for attention.
Oh, lucky man!
Good morning, dear children and teachers!
Today we are going to spend a popular show “Oh, lucky man!’’ between the pupils
of the 7 -8 forms. The first four members come to the scene. You must put the
holidays in the correct order and write down
St.Valentine’s Day,
All Fool’s Day,
New Year’s Day.
Christmas, New Year, St.Valentine’s Day, All Fool’s Day. One of the pupils will
play “Oh, lucky man!” which writes the correct answer.
Are you ready? Let’s begin
this show/ You can use “50 x 50” ,
to telephone to your friend, answers the audience. Listen to the sentence and
choose one right answers. If you answer correctly, you will receive 10 points.
William Spakespeare was born in …
London ,
on- Avon ,
York ,
Oxford .
Shakespeare was a famous ….
He was born in …
b) 1564;
Jack Jondon was a famous …
American writer;
English writer;
French writer;
Ukrainian writer.
Alan Marshall wrote about …
poor people;
Ernest Hemingway was born in the
family of …
a doctor;
a teacher;
an engineer;
a driver.
William Sidney Porter is a real name of …
a) Ernest Hemingway;
b) Jonathan Swift;
c) O.Henry;
d) Mark Twain.
The Constitution of Ukraine
consists of …
a) 10 chapters;
b) 15 chapters;
c) 20 chapters;
d) 25 chapters.
9. The president of Ukraine is elected for a term of…
a) 5 years;
b) 4 years;
c) 6 years;
d) 3 years.
10. Ukraine was proclaimed an
independent democratic state on …
a) September 24, 1992;
b) August 2, 1991;
c) August 24, 1991;
d) June 24, 1991.
11. Taras Shevchenko was born in …
a) Kyiv;
b) The village of Kyrylivka ;
c) Odessa. ;
d) Dnipropetrovs’k.
12. “ And in a great new family,
The family of the free
With softly spoken kindly words
Pray, men, remember me …”
These words belong to …
a) Shevchenko;
Lesya Ukrainka.
13. “To be or not to be?” – these words
belong to …
a) Shevchenko;
b) Skakespeare;
c) L.Ukrainka;
d) B.Show.
14. Marshall was born in the …
a) family of a farmer;
b) family of a teacher;
c) family of a doctor;
d) family of an engineer.
15. The capital of Scotland is …
a) London ;
b) Edinburgh ;
c) Liverpool ;
d) Oxford .
Question for the other pupils:
When do English celebrate St. Valentine’s Day? ( on the 14 th of
Now, let’s choose the correct answer.
1.Kipling was born in …
a) London ;
b) Wales ;
c) Scotland ;
d) India .
2. Kipling was awarded the Nobel prize for …
a) History;
b) Mathematics;
d) Music.
3. Kipling’s father was a …
a) painter;
b) teacher;
c) doctor;
d) gardener.
a) Ukrainian teacher;
b) Ukrainian poet;
c) Ukrainian painter;
d) Ukrainian writer.
5. London
is situated on the river …
a) Severn ;
b) Thames ;
c) Don;
d) Nill.
6. Robert Burns loved …
a) people;
b) freedom;
c) nature;
d) animals.
7. Zaporizhyan Cossacks cherished … above
a) lives;
b) land;
c) field;
d) freedom.
8. The city of England is …
a) London ;
b) Scotland ;
c) Glasgow ;
d) Wales .
9. Donetsk
is a centre of …
a) steel industry;
b) textile industry;
c) coal industry;
d) big industry.
10. Kyiv is the capital of …
a) Moldova ;
b) England ;
c) Russia ;
d) Ukraine .
11. Glasgow
has a population of …
a) two million;
b) nine million;
c) one million;
d) five million.
12. Scotland is situated on the …
a) west of England ;
b) north of England ;
c) east of England ;
d) south of England .
13. The West End is the … part of London .
a) richest;
b) financial;
c) poorest;
d) business.
14. Christmas Day is celebrated on the …
in England .
a) 21 st of December;
b) 20 th of December;
25 th of December;
d) 19 th of December.
15. Shakespeare Festival is celebrated at
a) London ;
b) Stratford
– on –Avon ;
c) Oxford ;
d) Coventry .
Thank you for the game.
Round I
1. Who was Dmytriy Mendeleyev?
( chemist).
2. Who was Charles Darwin? (
3. What name is the science of the stars. It deals
with the Earth, its Moon, the planets. What is it? ( astronomy).
4. What name is the study of
the way in which language works. What science is it?
( linguistics).
5. The theory of relativity
was developed by … ( Albert Einstein).
6. The first step on the Moon
was made by … ( Neil Armstrong).
7. The first bicycle was built
in … ( 1839)
8. Television was invented in
( 1930).
9. The first rocket was
launched by … ( Enrico Fermini in 1932).
10. Who invented the
( A. Bell in 1875).
Round II
1.Where was Bell born?
( Scotland ,
Edinburgh ).
2. Who was his work financed
by A.Bell?
( by the father of one of his
3. What was the first phrase on the telephone?
( Come here, Mr Watson, I want
to see).
4.When was the first
communication satellite launched in? ( 1962).
5. What country was Huggens
born? ( in Holland ).
6. When were shadow clocks first used?
( 4000 years ago).
7. What kind of clocks were
used in ancient Edypt?
a) water clocks.
8. When were sand glasses
a) in the Middle Ages.
9. What family was Eugene
a) Russian Consul in Nice, France ).
10. What institutes did he
( Dresden Polytechnic
Institute, Peterburgh)
Round III
1. What project did Paton have to his credit when he became a
student of Peterburg university? ( Dresden
railway station).
2. What institution did Paton found?
( the Soviet school of bridge
– building, electric welding).
3. What title was he awarded?
( the honourable member of the
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences).
4. When did he change his
profession? ( 60).
5. How many metres did bridge
have? ( 1150 metres ).
6. What was the name of the
bridge? ( Paton).
7. What scientist was born in
the city of Zhytomyr
in the family of teacher?
( S.Korolyov).
8. What higher technical
school did Korolyov finish? ( Moscow Bauman
Higher Technical School ).
9. What did Korolyov found?
( space – rocket engineering).
10. Where was Maria Sklodowska
– Curie born? ( in Warsaw , Poland ).
11. When was she win the Nobel
Prize in physics?
( for the discovery of
12. Who was the genius in the
old times?
( Einstein).
13. When nationality did Einstein have?
( Jewish).
14. What is a name of the book
by Charles Darwin?
( on the origin of species).
15. What theory did Darwin develop?
( evolutional development).
Thank you for the game. Bye.
Good morning. I want to propose you an
intellectual show “ Brain- ring”. We
have two teams … Listen to the questions and answer them. The theme is
“Inventions and inventors”. If you are ready, let’s begin. Raise your hands and
answer the questions.
Round I
1. Who was Dmytriy Mendeleyev?
( chemist).
2. Who was Charles Darwin? (
3. What name is the science of the stars. It deals
with the Earth, its Moon, the planets. What is it? ( astronomy).
4. What name is the study of
the way in which language works. What science is it?
( linguistics).
5. The theory of relativity
was developed by … ( Albert Einstein).
6. The first step on the Moon
was made by … ( Neil Armstrong).
7. The first bicycle was built
in … ( 1839)
8. Television was invented in
( 1930).
9. The first rocket was
launched by … ( Enrico Fermini in 1932).
10. Who invented the
( A. Bell in 1875).
Round II
1.Where was Bell born?
( Scotland ,
Edinburgh ).
2. Who was his work financed
by A.Bell?
( by the father of one of his
3. What was the first phrase on the telephone?
( Come here, Mr Watson, I want
to see).
4.When was the first
communication satellite launched in? ( 1962).
5. What country was Huggens
born? ( in Holland ).
6. When were shadow clocks first used?
( 4000 years ago).
7. What kind of clocks were
used in ancient Edypt?
a) water clocks.
8. When were sand glasses
a) in the Middle Ages.
9. What family was Eugene
a) Russian Consul in Nice, France ).
10. What institutes did he
( Dresden Polytechnic
Institute, Peterburg
University ).
Round III
1. What project did Paton have to his credit when he became a
student of Peterburg university? ( Dresden
railway station).
2. What institution did Paton found?
( the Soviet school of bridge
– building, electric welding).
3. What title was he awarded?
( the honourable member of the
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences).
4. When did he change his
profession? ( 60).
5. How many metres did bridge
have? ( 1150 metres ).
6. What was the name of the
bridge? ( Paton).
7. What scientist was born in
the city of Zhytomyr
in the family of teacher?
( S.Korolyov).
8. What higher technical
school did Korolyov finish? ( Moscow Bauman
Higher Technical School ).
9. What did Korolyov found?
( space – rocket engineering).
10. Where was Maria Sklodowska
– Curie born? ( in Warsaw , Poland ).
11. When was she win the Nobel
Prize in physics?
( for the discovery of
12. Who was the genius in the
old times?
( Einstein).
13. When nationality did Einstein have?
( Jewish).
14. What is a name of the book
by Charles Darwin?
( on the origin of species).
15. What theory did Darwin develop?
( evolutional development).
Thank you for the game. Bye.
Свято рідної та англійської мов «Мова рідна, слово
рідне »
зала прибрана як світлиця в народному стилі. На стендах вислови видатних людей
про рідну мову, культуру, виставки нових книжок, звучать українські пісні.
(На сцену виходять ведучі в національному одязі.)
Добрий день вам, добрі люди! Хай усім вам добре буде! Всіх запрошуємо до зали.
Свято радісне у нас:
Ми вшановуємо знову Материнську
рідну мову!
Вед. Hello! Dear friends! You are always welcome at our school party!
Вед. Шановні учні, вчителі, гості! Шановна родино, сьогодні
ми зібралися для того, щоб провести велике родинне свято, приурочене рідній та англійській мовам «Мово рідна, слово
Вед. На наш
святковий вечір запрошені учні які,
беручи участь в різних конкурсах, виконуючи різноманітні завдання,
продемонструють свою любов до материнської мови, до мови іноземної, яку ми
вивчаємо у школі. А журі визначить переможців, відзначить кращих знавців рідного
та англійського слова.
Просимо журі зайняти
свої місця.
(Звучить пісня)
Скільки мов на Землі? Вчені називають різну кількість: від трьох
до п'яти. За даними лінгвістів, з усіх мов добре вивчені тільки п'ятсот.
мов перебувають на межі вимирання. Дві третини мов не мають писемності.
Варто зауважити, що, незважаючи на таку велику кількість мов, переважна
більшість населення нашої планети говорить тільки тридцятьма мовами.
Якою ж мовою розмовляє найбільше людей? Вчені підрахували: першість належить
китайській мові. Друге місце займає англійська мова. Українська мова також є
мовою-«велетом» і посідає 14 місце, бо для 50 мільйонів мова українська — рідна
Понад мільярд людей розмовляють англійською мовою. Це - майже п’ята частина населення світу. Більш
ніж 400 мільйонів користуються нею як рідною. Для інших 600 мільйонів вона є
або другою, або іноземною мовою. Сьогодні, фактично, більше ніж 250 мільйонів
людей вивчають англійську мову. Це перевищує кількість населення США.
англійською мовою розмовляють фактично в
усьому світі, вона стала найважливішою мовою в політиці, науці, торгових і
культурних відносинах.
Для кожного народу дорога його мова, а
нам, українцям, найближча до серця — українська. Вона така ж співуча, як італійська,
і така ж багата, як російська.
Вед. За милозвучністю наша мова визнана вченими другою
(після італійської) серед європейських
Все в тобі з'єдналося, злилося —
Як і поміститися в одній!
Шепіт зачарований колосся,
Поклик із катами на двобій.
даєш поету дужі крила,
Що підносять правду в вишину,
Вченому ти лагідно відкрила
Мудрості людської глибину.
тобі рости й не в'януть зроду,
Квітувать в поемах і віршах,
в тобі — великого народу
Ніжна і замріяна душа.
Вед. Мово рідна! Ти
ж — як море — безконечна, могутня, глибинна. Котиш і котиш хвилі своїх
лексиконів, а їм немає кінця-краю.
Ведуча. Розпочинаємо конкурс на кращого читця поезії про мову. У конкурсі беруть участь учні нашої
А зараз
слово має наші журі.
Ведуча. Мова й пісня — дві найважливіші фортеці, які народ
повинен оберігати пильніше й відчайдушніше, ніж свої кордони. Бо, втративши
кордон, державність, народ завжди має можливість їх відновити, а мови не
відновить ніколи. Вона втратиться навіки-віків.
Вічний наш
паспорт — пісня,
Це пропуск у
білий світ...
Ми не ховали
Гордо йшли сотні літ.
Райдуга в небі висне,
Граючи в плесках вод.
Доки живе наша пісня,
Доти живий народ.
Вед. Оголошується конкурс на кращих виконавців українських
народних пісень.
початкових класів)
(Слово журі)
Вед. Наступний конкурс: «Народ скаже, як зав'яже» — на
краще знання укр. та англ. прислів'їв та приказок. (На сцену
запрошуються 8 учасників для виконання завдання: закінчити почуту фразу,
речення, прислів'я і приказки).
Слово — не горобець... (вилетить — не впіймаєш).
• East or West, …(Home is best)
Слово — не стріла, а... (ранить глибоко).
A friend in need, is …(A friend indeed)
вимовиш язиком, то... (не витягнеш і волом)
• Good health is …( above wealth)
слово краще за... (гроші).
Like father,…(like son)
мало, слухай багато, а... (думай ще більше).
• Everything is good in … (its weather)
• Ну що б, здавалося, слова...
• Better late, …(than never)
There are spots…(even on the
Для визначення переможців, слово надаємо журі
Слова, слова... Вони в собі всі
Тривожні й тихі, радісні й сумні;
Є терпеливі, є
жорстокі й грізні,
Лукаві й чесні, мудрі і смішні.
Вед. Запрошуємо учнів 3 – 4 кл. для інсценізації казки англійською
Вед. Здавна наш народ славився не тільки мелодійною,
душевною українською піснею, а й запальним танком. Оголошуємо конкурс
українського танцю між учнями 10 – 11 класів.
(Гра із залом)
(Слово надаємо журі)
Вед. Як радісно чути нам звучання рідної мови, рідної пісні.
Це неоціненний скарб, який потрібно не тільки любити, а й берегти. Проте учні
нашої школи вміють співати не лише українською, а також і англійською мовою.
Отже, зараз пропонуємо вашій увазі послухати учнів 5 класу, які виконають пісню
«Несе Галя воду»
7 клас «Ой, під
вишнею, під черешнею»
6 клас «Ой, мій милий вареничків хоче »
Після конкурсу слово надається журі. Називаються
переможці конкурсів, вручаються грамоти.
Вед. Ось і
завершується наше свято, але назавжди залишиться з нами наша любов до своєї
рідної мови, до мови іноземної , яку ми вивчаємо, до землі, на якій жили наші
предки, на якій ми живемо тепер.
Вивчайте, любіть свою мову,
Як світлу
Вітчизну любіть,
Ми з нею відомі
Усе в ній, що треба нам, є.
А хто свою мову
Той серце забуде своє.
Україна — на всіх єдина.
Неба синь, золоті поля...
Щастя й долі тобі, Вкраїно.
( Наша спільна, свята земля.
( Звучить пісня)
Конкурс на кращих виконавців українських пісень англійською мовою
Ой під вишнею -черешнею
there was an old man
had a pretty young wife
were under the tree of cherries
she was looking like a berry
was playing him
was bagging him
Let me go to the disco
a dancing all the night
not go to myself
will not let you go
because you want to leave me
I stay forgot alone.
are here "Kahi-kahi"
I'm there "Hi-hi"
you are sleeping I'm crying,
I'm wasting years of mine.
will buy a house
and two bridled cows
and a pond and a mill
and a garden you will.
are bent to the land
And pretend to be young man
I'm pretty, I'm young
And I want to have a fun.
Галя воду
Halya's carrying water
joke is sagging downword
after her $vanko winding
like an ivy 2
Oh, my darling Halya
Let me drink some water
You are so much pretty let
me you admire 2
If you'd like some water go
to the deep pond,
If you'd like to see me
come into my garden 2
Ой, мій милий вареничків хоче
Oh, my husband wants to have some dumplings
Oh, my
husband wants to have some dumplings
Will you cook honey 2
Will you cook U-ha-ha
Pretty, honey, darling
my wood has gone Oh my sweetheart hubby 2
You can cut honey 2
you can cut U-ha-ha
Pretty, honey, darling
weak enough Oh my sweetheart hubby 2
must die honey 2
You must die U-ha-ha
Pretty, honey, darling
will be your love oh my sweetheart hubby 2
Oh your pretty best friend 2
you best friend U-ha-ha
honey, darling
let's start for home oh my sweetheart hubby 2
I will cook you dumpling 2
I will cook U-ha-ha
Pretty, honey, darling
Сподобався матеріал про День Подяки, а також матеріал конкурсу "Брейн-ринг".
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ВідповістиВидалитиЗавжди рада поділитися своїми напрацюваннями!!!